I stopped at a traffic signal while driving back home on a leisurely Sunday. There was this random stranger who caught my attention. He was a man in his mid 40s wearing a cap and backpack and a placard in the front carrying quotes on "Safe Driving". He volunteered to stop the vehicles before the stop line and made sure all the riders passing that junction are following the traffic rules. If someone disobeys, he simply gestures them to be prompt. If he finds people who have been responsible enough to have obeyed the rules, he gives them a 'Thumbs up'. I was glad that I received his appreciation gesture for having fastened my helmet unlike some of my fellow riders whom he gestured to fasten. It felt good to have a simple act of responsibility being acknowledged. Within that short span of time for the signal to change over, I could notice the mixed responses he received. Some people cursed him for having disturbed them(which was actually reminding the...
This blog is to archive the thoughts I come across in my daily life and my trips. I love to read, write, speak my mind, travel and engage in conversations. Join me in my journey.